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Digital Connections

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:06 pm
by Kintyre Forum News
Digital Connections

We have identified a local need for laptops, tablets and smart phones to share with those that don’t have access to technology for digital connections during this difficult time.

Many households have a drawer with older gadgets that are no longer needed. We would really appreciate if you would be willing to donate these to assist our community resilience efforts whilst during the Corona Virus restrictions. This will assist us to provide laptops or tablets to young people who currently don’t have access at home, to enable them to do their school work. We will also be able to provide tablets and smart phones for older people to enable them to connect with family, friends and support. We will also be providing tutorials and group sessions creating digital meet ups for people to connect, share stories and provide peer support during this challenging time.

We will ensure that the gadgets are security cleaned of all data before redistribution and have technical support to assist with this. We can arrange safe collection by one of our volunteers and can collect a package from your door containing any smartphones, laptops or tablets you no longer need.

Please get in touch either via the Hub Facebook page, or phone or text Mandy Lay Robertson on: 07988 640 259 or e mail: with your Name, contact details and we can arrange to safely collect from you. Many thanks