I'm a total idiot when it comes to computers and just as I was starting to get the hang of "XL," Windows, from what I see so far take a lot of pleasure in 'F-ing' up the world !
With their ridiculous black "charms" left and right of the screen that opens up if my mouse wanders and no 'reduce/bring-down/or eliminate buttons at the top right of all images..., for me; it's a total blunder. And I've only just started exploring !!

Am I on my own ?
I don't think so, because if I surf the net, I see that even the young are criticizing the 'modernisation.' I'm of the point of view that when it works..., don't fix it !
Anyway, I stumbled over this...
http://www.howtogeek.com/163424/how-to- ... dows-8-pc/
Has anyone with Windows 8 followed their advice and returned to the old XL system ?
Just asking, as I don't really want a computer failure !
Thanks..., Iain.