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Explore Campbeltown Wedding Fayre - April 2015

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:48 am
by Kintyre Forum News
I’m emailing today regarding the next planned event which will be held under the Explore Campbeltown umbrella.

On Sunday 26th April, we will be holding a Wedding Fayre in the Victoria Hall, Campbeltown. The hall has been provisionally booked for the day but exact times of the event have still to be confirmed.

A member of Explore Campbeltown approached us with this idea and we are excited to start working together to plan the event. Some of you may remember that around 5 or 6 years ago, the Leukemia Cancer Committee held a similar event in the Victoria Hall which was a massive success and we would love to build on that and help to showcase the quality businesses here in Campbeltown and Kintyre. We would hope to have a similar lay out as the previous Wedding Fayre, with local stall holders round the edges of the hall and a red carpet down the middle leading to the stage, with chairs facing into the runway.

The list of different businesses which contribute to a wedding is extensive and we have a massive variety of businesses within Explore Campbeltown which would be just perfect for this event ranging from photographers, hairdressers, beauty salons, jewellery and clothing shops/makers, flower shops, card makers and crafters, items suitable for favours, hotels, food and drink providers and lots more!

We would charge a small entry fee for the public and there would be a £15.00 charge for each business who would like to have a stall / show their wares. This money would be used to cover the cost of the hall, with all left over money going to a local charity.

It would be great if you could please let me know if you would be interested in taking part in this special event. It really has the potential to showcase Campbeltown as a destination town that is willing to work together to benefit our local community and I truly believe it would be a great opportunity for many of our members.

Even if you do not fancy being directly involved on the day, any help with the organisation would be massively appreciated as would any raffle prizes that you could offer. We want people to be speaking about this event for months after it and we really think we can achieve that with the help of all Explore Campbeltown members.

We will be holding a meeting for everyone who is interested in getting involved on Monday 16th February at 7pm in the Tasting Room, Bolgam Street. I would urge anyone who is interested to come along to help share ideas and make this an unforgettable day!

Have a great weekend and hope to hear from you soon!

Re: Explore Campbeltown Wedding Fayre - April 2015

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:37 pm
by Kintyre Forum News
Just a reminder of the meeting on Monday

Just a quick email to remind you that we will be holding a meeting this coming Monday (16th February) at 7pm in the Tasting Room, Bolgam Street. The meeting is for anyone interested in taking part in the Wedding Fayre event which will take place in the Victoria Hall on Sunday 26th April (details sent to all members on 23rd January).

I know that some of you have been in contact to say you cannot make it but it would be greatly appreciated if anyone who is interested can make it along to share their ideas!